iMark Toolkit Plugin

Created for our monthly customers to provide easy access to email us, but also extending their WordPress with recommended features turned on with a simple toggle!

Created for our customers with feedback from our customers

Over the past 10 years, we have collected a lot of requests for features. We created the toolkit to slowly introduce those for our customers so they can use them if they so choose. All with a few clicks of a mouse!

imark interactive toolkit plugin

The Toolkit Features

This is a quick look into what the toolkit can currently do. We are constantly adding new features and testing new beta tools. These are easily released to all our customers at any time.

iMark toolkit menu
Plugin Dashboard

This area allows you to see all available features and to turn on elements you want to use. This can be found under the “iMark Toolkit” menu in your WordPress Dashboard

Contact iMark Support

The main feature is you can easily contact iMark Support to ask a question or for help. This form can easily be found under the “Contact iMark Support” upper menu.

*currently creating a way to change color of button

contact imark button
toolkit URL finder
URL Finder

Our newest feature where you can search your content for specific URLs and it will tell you where they are and allow you to view the posts or edit.

*currently working on a way to push you to where the link is in the content when you want to edit.

Additional Features

Here is a list of the additional features we have in the toolkit plugin to help you understand what it has and what it can do. The FAQ below also provides additional information.

We created this in response to our customers wanting something similar to Mediavine’s tool. They were the inspiration of our tool, so we created something that can work with all our customers and pretty much all email marketing providers.

popout subscribe box

This feature was built due to the Gutenberg reusable block bugs where someone would edit and it would break them all. This is a method to build a block but insert it with just a shortcode instead so they won’t break and can be controlled right in their own menu. This has been extended to allow you to use these as block patterns as well. So you can create both in the same menu.

post blocks menu

This is a simple way to control your WordPress updates. By default we like to set this to only allow minor core updates for security and everything else disabled so your site won’t auto-update and break something. But this allows you to control it if you wish.

wordpress updates control

This has to do with how several items in the post and page editor work. They include:

  • Full Screen Editor – You can force it to enable or disable
  • Gutenberg Images to Full Size – good to enable to make sure when you enable images, they insert at full size.
  • Gutenberg images none link – when inserting, you typically don’t want it to link by default, but you still have an option to add a link if you insert an image
  • Center Gutenberg images – this will center your images by default if you enable was you insert them in the block editor
  • Remove Image Attachment Link – if you have accidentally linked your images to the default image attachment page, this will use a live filter to turn that off on the reader/front end.
  • Modified Date Control – currently under development, but you can disable the modified dates from updating if you are doing a bunch of small edits across your posts/pages and don’t want to notify Google.
  • Featured Images Visibility – this allows you to take your featured image you set and insert it automatically after the first or second paragraph
  • Affiliate Disclaimer – this works with most themes, but you can add a disclaimer that will insert before your content on posts.
post and page features

This was created to mimic the old “insert headers and footers plugin” that was very clean and easy to use. Three boxes to add code to your site without having to add code to your theme. Recommended for tracking codes, affiliate codes, verification codes, etc.

header and footer code manager

If you have added affiliate links but forgot to add Nofollow or Sponsored, then this can add a live filter on your front end that will capture those links and add it for you to keep you compliant. You only need to know the root domain for the affiliate links like “” instead of the entire link. We have a default list you can easily add that will capture most of the program links.

sponsored link attributes

By default, WordPress does not add your featured image into your RSS feed. If you use an email service with a RSS-to-Email feature, this can add the featured image to the feed so it can be picked up and used.

image in rss

This is for your Table of Contents Block. Currently only supports Feast’s Advanced Jump To block and Easy Table of Contents. This shortens long TOC blocks to make it show only three options and then they can open more. Best of both worlds with a TOC but not keeping it closed from all options. *Currently working on Kadence TOC block

short toc block

It’s well known that system default fonts (what is installed by default on your browser) are the best font options for speed and usability. Readers are used to them and they are easy to read. Adding Google fonts and custom fonts can and will slow your site down. This feature will disable Google fonts from loading to help with speed. Not needed when using Feast plugin.

This is based on a simple plugin already out so we included something similar into our toolkit so you won’t have to install another plugin and can just turn this on. It will shrink down the Yoast FAQ block to an accordion to make it cleaner and nicer for readers.

*currently in beta

Before using the FAQ option

yoast faq before

After option (design is based on theme settings)

yoast faq after

This is a highly requested feature that we have created to auto-insert your reusable blocks before your content/after your content, or before/after your WP Recipe Maker or Create Cards.

enable auto insert blocks

After you enable this, you can go into the new “reusable blocks” area in the sidebar and edit any one of them to see the auto insert options. This will then automatically insert the reusable block into the content of your posts

reusable block auto-insert

This is a highly requested feature in order to bulk noindex content on a site no matter if you use Yoast or RankMath. This can be done via Post IDs, via a Category ID, or Tag ID

enable quick noindex

After you enable this, you can open the Quick NoIndex menu option under the Toolkit sidebar.

quick noindex option

You can select to do this by Post ID, Category ID, or Tag ID. If you have a bunch of posts in a tag or category, this will noindex every post in those tags or categories. You can use them comma separated.

If you want to use it by Post IDs, we recommend using the Export All URLs plugin (free) to get a full list of your posts with the IDs. This will easily allow you to create a comma-separated list to use here.

Once ready, you click No Index Now and it will process through all the posts. This has been tested on about 2000 posts at a time, so try to keep it less that that number.

How to Get our Toolkit Plugin

Our plugin is only available for those on our Protect plan (and older monthly support plans). No matter the level. This ensures we can provide excellent customer service for anyone using it. If you are interested in our plugin, please contact us or start a plan.

Frequently Asked Questions