How to Keep Your Blog Going
With so many blogs being created each and every day, what makes your blog any different? Are you blogging for personal reasons, or blogging in order to make some extra cash? What is your understanding on the topic that you blog about? These are just a few questions that you need to ask yourself as you continue to blog.
Most of us blog in order to provide a resource to others on the internet. It might just be for personal reasons and you just want others to have information that they have gathered over the years. Some blog in order to provide a resource, but to also make some money online while blogging. Either way, there are a few things that need to be done in order to keep your blog active and growing.
The most important aspect of blogging is deciding which topic you want to blog about. If you are blogging for personal reasons, then it becomes a little easier. Most people that are blogging just to be blogging decide to pick their topic based on their experiences or which topic excites them or what they might be passionate about. If you are blogging to make money online, make sure you are choosing a topic that you have experience in or that you are also passionate about. There are many people out there that choose a blog topic based on how much money they could make or which topic is most popular among internet readers. This is a large mistake because most people that choose these topics cannot keep up the blog without the proper information on the topic.
Another important aspect of blogging is that you continue to write quality posts throughout the life of your blog. A lot of new bloggers that start a blog never continue after a month or two because they run out of topics to write or they just stop writing all together. It is wise to come up with topics to write about, but schedule them to post at different intervals to keep your blog current. This is easy to do when working with most blogging software. If you come up with a few topics at once, then write them up and schedule them to post a day apart, so it looks like you are updating and refreshing your content. Remember, Content is King and search engines love it. Without new content, your blog will become stale and your readers will drop off.
If you continue updating your content, then you need to make sure that you continue to add new readers and visitors. Without new readers and visitors, then your blog will become useless and no one will even know your opinion on your topic. You should update your RSS feeds and make sure to have a way for your visitors to subscribe to your RSS feed via email. You have to constantly market your blog for new visitors especially if your using your blog as a way to make money online. Many bloggers use Feedburner as a way to publicize and monetize their RSS feeds for everyone to use and keep updated on your blog. There are many blog directories where you can list your blog as well for visitors to find. This will also help with SEO purposes. Think about making an page for your website. This is free and like a wiki format. There are many ways to market your blog, but you have to continue doing it in order to succeed.
So if you are blogging for personal or commercial reasons, you have to remember that content is king and keeping it updated is a must. There are many ways to add new content to your blog, but you have to just do it. Leaving your blog updated is the most important way to keep it going. You can also let guest bloggers write content for your with their ideas about the blog topic. Choose a topic that is important to you, but that can make your some money if you choose to go this route, as well is a topic that has a lot of information available and is easily updated. Good luck with your blog and keeping it going and hopefully it will become useful to readers and visitors.